Metal Dead Gear

I am terrified to play Metal Gear Solid. Before Metal Gear Solid 4, I had never played a MGS game. The day it came out, I ran to Gamestop and bought a copy. I ran home and popped it in the PS3 and started up the game. When I pressed start, I didn't get to choose the settings, like difficulty. It just took me to the game. I took one step and I had died. I was used to the game over screen because I had watched gameplay but, it wasn't the game over screen I saw in the gameplay. Instead, Otacon said
"You got what you deserve!" Then, a terrible gut wrenching picture showed up on the screen. It was Snake. He was hung by his ankle and had his arms ripped off. After 2 minutes, Snake's eyes disappeared and said
"You shall be next." Then, went up in flames. After that scene, I was in what I guessed was the first boss fight.
The game went to more of a third person view. When it showed the character, it looked just like me. The first boss came out and it blew me up.
Bits and pieces of the body flew everywhere. The boss split in half and it became Snake. He said "THAT IS THE LAST OF YOU ANYONE WILL EVER SEE!" Then, it showed that I have lost forever. To this day, I still have pains in the parts that were still in one piece. If you take my advice, never buy a game the day it comes out.